The CURE for Arterial Disease
The BaleDoneen Method is a science-based methodology that is medically proven and accepted to both prevent and reverse heart attacks, strokes, and many other chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, dementia, kidney disease, and erectile dysfunction.
The goal of the BaleDoneen Method is to find out if patients have arterial inflammation and if so, apply individualized treatment to extinguish inflammation to halt its progression with genetically guided, evidence-based therapies.
Our method is based on six dynamic elements, each of which is crucial for detecting and defeating cardiovascular disease. These include:
Understanding what causes heart attacks and strokes, plus the action steps needed to prevent these catastrophic events, empowers the patients to make choice that lead to recovery and wellness.
Identifying which patients have disease (plaque) in the arteries is essential since this is a prerequisite for an event. Treatment decisions should be based on this infuriation and disease monitored over time.
Events are sparked when disease becomes inflamed. Think of plaque as kindling. Inflammation lights the match, causing the plaque to rupture explosively. We use a “fire panel” of tests to detect and monitor inflammation.
To put out the fire in a patient’s arteries, it’s essential to identify and treat the cause. Without this knowledge, the disease frequently smolders until there is another event. Using techniques perfected by the BaleDoneen Method, we can determine the root causes and halt the disease.
Setting optimal, individualized goals for modifying each patient’s risk factors rather than goals set by the standard of care based on average results from large studies, leads to superior outcomes and more effective heart attack and stroke prevention.
Basing care on each patient’s unique genetic makeup is the ultimate in precision medicine. The BaleDoneen Method has used genetic testing for more than a decade and remains on the cutting edge of this rapidly evolving field of medicine.
Our current “standard of care” is not good enough. And more importantly, a cure exists!
In the US, Heart Attacks and Strokes remain the number one cause for death and disability affecting some 1.5 million Americans each year. Somehow, we have grown to accept these unfortunate consequences and justify their stronghold though family history, poor health or just bad luck. These killers work in the body and most commonly are silent with few symptoms until they strike. While it was once thought that heart attacks and strokes were unpreventable, we now have documented science that proves otherwise.
While heart attacks and strokes are defined as a microvascular disease, these diseases have a greater impact than once thought and attribute to a number of other chronic diseases such as dementia, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and erectile dysfunction to name a few. This impacts some 190 million individuals in the US alone.
While our medical system has trained specialists, i.e., cardiologists for the heart, neurologists for the brain and so forth, no one has claimed responsibility for the arteries which include over 30,000 miles of pathways that carry blood to all the critical areas of the body. Our specialties are trained to react with an event occurs but have not been trained to ensure that the arteries are free from inflammation and disease.